
Main Pillars

  1. NEOL Approach (Navigate, Engage, Outline, Launch): This principle outlines the main methodology for the ongoing development and refinement of the NEOLAiA Open Science policies and practices, including stakeholder engagement, strategic planning, and the launch of initiatives.
  2.  Alignment with National and European Policies: Ensuring the Open Science policy is in sync with national laws and European directives. Adapting to the goals set by the European Commission for digital education, research, and science (European Commission’s 2030 Digital Compass)
  3. Citizen Science and Community Engagement:
    Citizen Science is championed across NEOLAIA universities, fostering community engagement and participatory research methods within the scientific process.
  4. Regional Leadership and Global Contribution
    NEOLAiA Alliance commits to contributing to the regional Open Science dialogue, setting benchmarks for best practices, and shaping the global narrative of Open Science implementation.
  5. Collaborative Advocacy
    NEOLAIA actively participates in regional and international advocacy efforts for Open Science, working in tandem with various networks and organizations to promote its widespread adoption.
  6. Commitment to FAIR Principles
    The FAIR data principles are vigorously promoted by NEOLAIA institutions, ensuring that research data management adheres to the highest standards of accessibility and interoperability.
  7. Open Dissemination of NEOLAiA Research Results Making NEOLAiA research findings freely accessible to the public with no access restrictions.
  8. Ubiquitous Integration of Open Science
    NEOLAIA universities endorse the comprehensive integration of Open Science as essential for propelling research quality and innovation forward. The adoption of Open Science practices is encouraged, prioritizing enhancement of research excellence, and will be pursued wherever possible. This approach is rooted in the belief that the best results stem from intrinsic motivation and the recognition of the value Open Science adds to the academic and global community.
  9. Adoption by Encouragement and Incentives for Researchers and Staff
    NEOLAIA supports a culture where Open Science policies are embraced through encouragement and incentives, respecting academic freedom and acknowledging that mandating such practices is not the approach of the alliance. The institutions promote the adoption of Open Science on the basis of its merits and benefits to the research community and society at large, rather than through imposition.